My daughter just turned 6, where has the time gone?? Seriously, it feels like I just had her!!
This year's birthday theme was SARAFI!! We went ALL out as birthday's are kind of a big deal around here!
I am ALWAYS making things for other people, cakes, shirts, outfits...whatever it is my kids usually take the back seat and that's usually because they come to me the night before asking for a shirt for school the next day :P
So we make birthday a BIG DEAL!!!!
This year Olivia had 12 KIDS at her party! Thank good ness the weather cooperated so we could be outside because I'm not sure how 12 kids would have gotten along in our tiny house!!
First the invitations!!
I used an online program to make this insanely cute invites!! A few clip art pictures and voila Safari invitations!
Next is the outfit! I found a satin Leopard print pillow case at the $1 store of all places and thought, 'Hey I can make a skirt from that!!' A few ripped seams later we were cooking!!
Here is the birthday banner that took me 6 hours to make!! I never understood why the cost so much on Etsy and then I made one and NOW I understand!!!!
The decorations where pretty simple, mostly ballons! I found some really cool helium Safari animals balloons for cheap and just filled them up with regular air!
Like seriously, how great are these!!
Some animal print balloons!!
We also made cute little binoculars and safari hats! The hats I grabbed from the $1 store and glued animal print ribbon around them. The binoculars are paper rolls painted black and taped together with animal print duct tape, how easy is that!!
We also made our water bottles festive by striping the paper label and putting animal print duct tape o them!!
NOW onto the CAKE!! This was suppose to be a 2 tier cake, a simple tiers and done! But we were having a family party after the kids party and were expecting 20 something people and I am ALWAYS worried I might run out of cake, image the horror of that!!!!
So we ended up going with a 3 tier cake...and I think it turn out pretty darn cute!!!
Top tier is giraffe print, middle tier is zebra and bottom is leopard! The leopard print is all hand painted, which took a while!! oh and look, another $1 pillow case as a table runner, gotta love a good find!!!

We had a little girl who has gluten and dairy allergies so we also made some cupcakes that she was able to eat. I grabbed this animals from the dollar store as well and spray painted them gold!! Super cheap decorations are AMAZING!!
And here is the birthday Girl with her cake. I get a lump in m throat when I look at this :(
Getting too big, too fast!!!!
Olivia got a new outfit for her birthday so of course I HAD to make Hailey an animal print skirt as well :)